A selfie of Jodie, a white woman with brown hair and brown eyes in a black winter parka and pink Carhartt toque with a homemade mask hanging from one ear. Jodie is sitting in front of the Toronto Star headquarters with a peaceful and triumphant smile on her face.

Self-Disco 101: Personal Strengths – Self-Discovery Saturday

Welcome to another #selfdiscoverysaturday! Today, I’m sharing the first in a four-part series of introductory self-discovery prompts that I’m calling “Self-Disco 101”. This week, the focus is personal strengths. 

Self-Disco 101: An Introduction

Let’s start with the basics: My name is Jodie and I am a writer and coach who’s passionate about self-discovery. Self-discovery is a broad field of study that is highly personal – it’s all about diving deep into ourselves to get a clearer understanding of who we are. The practice of self-discovery is a lifelong journey – as we learn and grow over time, getting curious about these changes allows us to experience the full breadth of who we are. Having a clear handle on our character enables us to be authentically and uniquely ourselves, which sets the stage for greater groundedness and deeper connections.

Each Saturday over the next four weeks, I will share a thought prompt related to self-discovery. These are similar questions to what I use during the coaching discovery process because they’re great at digging right down to the important stuff. While I call these “thought prompts” and they can certainly be used for simple reflection, they also work really well as journal prompts or tarot spreads – use whichever format feels fitting for you. After all, this is about exploring you and what makes you tick!

Self-Disco 101: Personal Strengths

The folks over at PositivePsychology.com define “personal strengths” as our innate abilities for specific ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Examples of personal strengths include leadership, humor, curiosity, and so forth – anything that aids you in navigating the world with confidence. Research suggests that being aware of our strengths not only helps us to feel more capable, it can also increase motivation, life satisfaction, and appreciation of our differences as humans. 

Starting the self-discovery process by noting our strengths is a great way of empowering us to recognize our powers. This can equip us with resilience so that we’re better able to weather the lows, as well as giving us the strength to take on the highs. In addition to noting our strengths, we will also take time to acknowledge the things that feed into our power, the stuff that helps us maintain our energy. Without further ado, let’s get into the thought prompts: Grab a pen and paper, a laptop, and prepare your brain for reflection.

Thought Prompt 1: What makes you feel capable and strong? 

Thought Prompt 2: What recharges and nourishes you?

If you’d like to discuss your findings, get in touch via the contact form here – I’m always open to chat.

Read week 2 of the Self-Disco 101 series: Challenges and difficulties

4 thoughts on “Self-Disco 101: Personal Strengths – Self-Discovery Saturday

  1. Pingback: Self-Disco 101: Challenges & Difficulties - Self-Discovery Saturday

  2. Pingback: How Can I Support Myself? #selfdiscoverysaturday

  3. Pingback: Practicing Gratitude For Well-Being #selfdiscoverysaturday

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