Self-Disco 101: Supports – Self-Discovery Saturday

Welcome to week 3 of my Self-Disco 101 series, where we take a brief look within to deepen our understanding of ourselves. Today, we’re going to be exploring supports.

If you’ve stuck around for the past few weeks, thank yourself for your dedication (and accept thanks from me for following along 💖). 

If this is your first time trying a Self-Disco 101 lesson, check out Week 1 (Personal Strengths) and Week 2 (Challenges & Difficulties) before diving in. 

Self-Disco 101: How to Support Yourself

In the context of this series, support is all about the things we need to stay happy, healthy, and safe. This can come in many shapes and sizes: Adequate nutrition and sleep, social support from caring friends and family, practices to keep your mental health in check, and any number of other things that help keep you going.

While many of us operate on outdated concepts of toughing life out solo and ignoring the warning signs when we’re reaching our capacity, this is an unsustainable and unpleasant way of living. By contrast, understanding your needs and taking the steps to tend to them can help improve mental wellbeing, which creates a backbone for a healthier, more satisfying, and more resilient life.

The concept of “supporting the self” is intentionally broad here: While we all have the same basic needs for safety, shelter, and food, our support needs beyond this can differ based on our life circumstances and preferences. 

For example, as a fiercely independent person, one of the trickiest things for me is reaching out for help when I need it. To help release the hold this pattern has over me, I’ve asked my close friends and my partner to call me out when I seem like I could use assistance. For other people, leaning on others may come easily, but they may struggle with keeping to a consistent exercise schedule. 

A close-up of a veggie chow mein dish plated in a shallow white bowl with brown bamboo chopsticks on the side. Crispy pan-fried noodles are topped with carrots, broccoli, seafood mushrooms, vegan chikn, and sesame seeds.
My top five tools for managing stress are proper rest, healthy meals, walks, creating art, and deep conversations with friends. As a food lover, home cooking also doubles as an artistic outlet for me – like this veggie chow mein dish I made for lunch. Recipe courtesy of School of Wok.

When you’re reflecting on the support prompts below, I’ll also encourage you to start broad. Don’t limit your definition of support to the categories I’ve shared here, but rather consider what you personally find meaningful and important for your well-being. If you’ve never reflected on this before, these concepts may take some time to form – that’s just part of the process. There’s power to be had in understanding your requirements and limits with gentleness, rather than pushing the need for support aside. It’s impossible to be in a good head space 100% of the time, and the sooner you embrace that as a very human reality (rather than a weakness), the sooner you can begin caring for yourself in a way that allows you to unlock all the great things that make you the badass that you are. 

Thought Prompt 1: What do you need help with? 

Thought Prompt 2: What practices or tools do you have in your life that help you to manage in times of stress? 

If you’d like to discuss your findings, get in touch via the contact form here – I’m always open to chat.

Stay tuned for next week’s Self-Disco lesson (and the last installation in the series): Gratitude



2 thoughts on “Self-Disco 101: Supports – Self-Discovery Saturday

  1. Saul Paris

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  2. Pingback: Practicing Gratitude For Well-Being #selfdiscoverysaturday

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