Category: Personal Essays

Getting Personal With My Brand

Allow me to (re)introduce myself! Hi, I’m Jodie, and today I’m making the change from to  Why the name change, you might ask? Iterative growth 🌈 When I first started this site, I launched under the name “Jodacious Writing”. Writing had been a dream of mine for decades. I picked this name (inspired […]

Happy National Coming Out Day! My Coming Out Story

October 11 marks National Coming Out Day, a day for us to recognize the coming out journey for many1 of the 2SLGBTQ+ population. The phrase “coming out” can make it seem like a discrete one-time event, like there’s one grand ceremony where we announce our sexuality, never to have to explain ourselves again. But most […]

Reflections on Urgency: A Trauma Survivor’s Take

As I’ve been reflecting on trauma, I can’t help but notice how common it is for me to feel a sense of urgency. Take, for example, my pre-work ritual: I’m buzzing around the kitchen, bouncing from task to task with ease as I wait for my morning coffee to brew. I don’t have a drop […]

Tarot Practice and Mental Health: Tarot Tuesday

It’s been a while since I did something other than a reading for #tarottuesday (ahem, since my first-ever tarot blog post). But I’ve had a tarot-related thought poking at my mind over the past few days that’s been begging to be put to paper1. For me, there’s a clear link between the state of my […]

Balancing Discipline and Boundaries in Creative Work

I’ve been reflecting lately on my creative work – how it requires a gentle balance of both discipline and boundaries in order to stay in a joyful (read: not burnt-out) state. Realizing that I’m probably not the only one to struggle with this equilibrium, I thought there might be some use in sharing my thoughts […]

Do Tarot With Me! An Aries New Moon Reading

With all of its symbolism and archetypes, tarot gives us an invitation to look within and find meaning in our experiences and behaviours. Tarot imagery layers on top of personal experience and subjective interpretation to produce something that’s somehow deeply unique to its reader and also thematically generalizable.  I believe that even when a reading […]

6 Ways I Find Joy in Being Out, Bi, and Proud

I’ve been publicly out as bi for nearly 5 years now, and I’m fiercely proud of who I am in all my complexity.  It took me until my mid- to late-twenties to emerge from the proverbial closet, largely because coming out as bi requires overcoming a shit-ton of internalized biphobia. While I always knew there […]