Do Tarot With Me! An Aries New Moon Reading

With all of its symbolism and archetypes, tarot gives us an invitation to look within and find meaning in our experiences and behaviours. Tarot imagery layers on top of personal experience and subjective interpretation to produce something that’s somehow deeply unique to its reader and also thematically generalizable. 

I believe that even when a reading is about someone else, the lessons can be universal enough to resonate with others. To showcase this, I’ll use the below example of my personal tarot reading using @seedsofshakti’s Aries New Moon spread. For the sake of experimentation, I’ll invite you to try to find meaning in my musings. Let’s get started!


I always begin my readings by dissecting the theme of the spread – in this case, the Aries New Moon1

  • The Aries New Moon rose early this morning (April 1) here in Ontario, Canada
  • In the northern hemisphere, April brings springtime and growth
  • New moons are all about new beginnings, clean slates, and potential
  • Aries represents fiery energy, creativity, bravery, and assertiveness (and as the first sign of the zodiac, the beginning of the astrological calendar)

The Aries New Moon forecasts fiery drive, growth, and newness, making it a great time to plant the seeds of the things you want to see unfold over the next year (especially when those things require courage).

To build the layers up further, let’s look at each card in the spread with the author’s meanings in mind.

Card 1: What medicine is being birthed for the next 12 months? Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands embodies Wands’ fast-moving creativity and drive, giving us courage to do the unconventional and to commit to developing skills. For me, this is about honing my writing through consistent practice, but also clearing out my old “hyperdrive” Wands tendencies to make room for more balanced, less burnout-y ways of engaging with my goals.

Extending beyond the self, the Knight of Wands as a medicine for the upcoming year asks you to look at areas of your life where you need growth – particularly in ways you relate to energy and mental movement. Can you bring the energetic fire to those areas so that you feel emboldened to make the changes you need?

Card 2: As spring returns, what dormant energy is awakening in me? II – The High Priestess (Reversed)

The High Priestess (Reversed) suggests that dormant talents I’ve been suppressing are now coming to life again. Writing is helping to thaw out those aspects of my psyche that’ve been frozen for years, bringing me face to face with my tendencies to hide and stay small. In order to honor the High Priestess and her intuitive wisdom, this card asks me to stay clear on the ways that I keep myself down, including engaging in perfectionistic self-editing, my “lone wolf” tendency to shy away from seeking guidance, and avoiding discomfort.

The High Priestess encourages us to see ourselves honestly without judgment or pretense. This could mean sitting with your thoughts and seeing if there is anything laying in hibernation that might need more of your attention. How could awakening this energy help you over the next year?

Card 3: How is Aries kindling my inner spark? 9 of Swords

Some people refer to the 9 of Swords as the “nightmare card,” as it represents the dark side of Swords’ mental acuity through fears, ruminations, and the things that keep us awake at night.

This card immediately clicked for me as I am full of anxieties and nightmares. Aries reminds me to be courageous, to see these things as a window into the darkest parts of myself rather than pushing them away. I can throw my worries on the creative fire as writing prompts, allowing me to work through heavy emotions via the vulnerable act of writing (and, at times, sharing). 

How can you reframe things so that the stuff that keeps you up at night can become fuel for growth? Swords is a suit of intellect, but also fast movement – its air fans the flames of the Aries Wands fire. What mental struggles have been holding you back? What can you do to work with this, rather than against it?

Card 4: How can I break through the fears that have held me back? Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups is the master of water, a loving, nurturing figure with a deep knowledge of emotion (because she embraces it all). With a focus on intuition, she reminds me that it’s possible to move through the scary bits of life (rather than getting “stuck in” them), and that this movement can only happen when I treat myself kindly. 

Cups are intrinsically connected to creativity, and so art is brought to the forefront of the healing process. Watercolor is a wonderfully free-flowing medium for me, as is no-expectations journaling. Making time for these arts, and focusing that time on approaching my deepest fears, is something that the Aries New Moon brings within reach. 

Be honest with yourself, but also be gentle. When assessing our blocks, it’s really easy to slip into self-critic mode – so check that at the door and try being gentle instead. What happens when you look at those fears through a softer lens?

Card 5: What seedlings of inspiration will the New Moon bless & germinate? 9 of Pentacles

The 9 of Pentacles paints a picture of some long-laboring project that is nearing a close, often one that ties us to Pentacles’ material realm. Given the overarching theme of inspiration and new beginnings, this card speaks to a focus on the values2 that help orient me in the world. Living into these values is an important part of my creative journey, which can only be done by putting in the work and recognizing that it’s worth the effort.

Have you been working away at something that’s starting to bear fruit? What’s inspiring you these days, and how might this relate to your growth journey?

Card 6: A message from the ancestors: XVII – The Tower (Reversed)

The Tower is another of those “scary” cards, usually suggesting that something has reached a point of rupture after being mishandled for a length of time. It often shows up for me at critical junctures, typically a warning sign that I need to get my shit in order – or else.

The Tower Reversed provides me with a very straightforward reminder: Your lack of confidence and your need for control are not helping you, and in fact keeping them around is only serving to perpetuate your unhappiness. 

When you reflect on your life, what sorts of “old stories” could stand to be thrown out the Tower window? Think in particular about limiting beliefs around your hopes and dreams – we really tend to hold back here. 


So there you have it – a reading done specific to me, that could be used to (hopefully) impose meaning and reflection on your life. Now go forth and unearth those fears, plant the seeds of growth, and bask in the fiery glory that is that bright, shiny Aries confidence. Happy Aries Season, y’all!


1 PSA: This is a rather cursory overview thanks to my preschool-level of knowledge of astrology

2 I’ve been workshopping these as of late and have come up with a working list of authenticity, vulnerability, and kindness.

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