Attack of the Corporate Overlords: Chapter 9

A queer sci-fi story set in near-future Toronto, when corporations have gained control of the people.

DISCLAIMER: This chapter is NSFW and meant for audiences 18 and over

They were back in the armory after an uneventful return journey. Violet stood behind the concrete partition removing her uniform. The fabric hit the floor with a soft crumple, sending up a tiny plume of dust. Before, there’d been a lake to the south that helped keep the city an even humidity, or so she’d been told. But the lake had disappeared years back, covering Toronto in a sandy mist that never went away. 

Mercy stood diagonally across the room, fastening a pair of low-slung pants over her hips. RJ had changed in record time in spite of having the most gear. Violet watched as they retreated through the door, giving her the smallest of mischievous nods before disappearing behind a wall of metal. Her gaze flicked to Mercy, a wave of chills running through her as she locked directly onto Mercy’s intense stare.

She moved swiftly, her feet propelled by some unfamiliar force. She came to a stop inches from Mercy’s face, pausing just long enough to take in her unmistakable lust before pulling the woman’s mouth toward her own. The kiss hit like a detonation, knocking the air out of her as their lips collided. Her hands snaked around to the back of Mercy’s head, interlacing in the woman’s short hair as both women pressed closer together.

Her pelvis made contact with a soft expanse of Mercy’s stomach as the woman squeezed Violet’s butt with greedy hands. The two continued to kiss deeply, tongues intertwining as they ambled backward towards a cot that leaned against the wall. Mercy’s hands moved to a sensitive spot on Violet’s upper thigh, a throaty moan escaping her lips as she trailed her own palms down the front of Mercy’s black crop top. 

Mercy hit the cot and she smoothly pulled Violet into a straddle on top of her. Violet pushed her whole weight into the woman’s lap, grinding subtly into her in hopes that she would feel her warmth. Mercy’s teeth caught Violet’s bottom lip gently, running the tip of her tongue across the surface before leaning their foreheads together. 

“Violet…” her voice was huskier than ever, chest rising and falling, “is this what you want?” It sounded like a dare to Violet, but she scanned the hardened woman’s eyes to make sure there was no trace of doubt.

“I know what I want,” she replied, staring directly into Mercy’s eyes as she slowly stripped off her shirt. Time stood still as Mercy took in every inch of her, naked save for a pair of black boyshorts. Mercy’s back settled against the wall behind her as her gaze traveled, fingers tracing a white-hot trail across Violet’s skin as the tension between them built. She could feel herself getting wetter with each movement, struck by how little Mercy had to do to elicit such a strong reaction.

A trance-like state overtook Violet, causing her to work her hips in small circles on top of Mercy. Mercy sat with her knees wide, the material of her pants stretched tight across her pelvis. Her lips had come slightly undone, eyelids heavy with desire as she watched Violet work. Violet ran her hands through her coffee-coloured hair, small wisps falling out and teasing across her collarbone as she rocked back and forth. She dragged her hands down the front of her body, touching herself all over as a primal heat built from within.

She brought her lips to Mercy’s neck, pressing her breasts into the woman’s chest as she kissed and bit her way down to her collarbone. She pressed the flat of her tongue into the firm surface, running it up to Mercy’s ear then taking her lobe into her mouth. Mercy’s hands were working their way under the bottom edge of her panties as Violet moved in tandem to remove the other woman’s top. Mercy allowed Violet to pull the bra over her head before her fingers returned to toying with the elastic band across Violet’s lower abdomen. 

Now it was Violet’s turn to observe. She took her time to look Mercy up and down, wanting every inch of her: the unkempt sideswept hair, the animalistic thirst in her eyes, the way her tongue smoothed across her lips as she stared at Violet’s bare body, her firm breasts, the slight swell of her stomach caused by the severe angle her spine was at relative to the surface beneath her.  Mercy had been so enraptured by the private show Violet was putting on for her that she was nearly laying flat across the cot at this point.

Violet continued the journey down the length of Mercy’s frame, her mouth and hands getting familiar with every part of the woman. She slid on her knees to the concrete below, hands working on the button at Mercy’s waist. She felt Mercy’s fingers slide over her own as she reached for the zipper, another shock rocking through her core at the touch.

The wide-legged material slid easily down her legs, pooling at the floor. Mercy wasn’t wearing any underwear. Somehow this didn’t surprise Violet. Though this was her first time with a woman – with anyone, actually – Violet moved with the possessed confidence of a woman on the brink of release. It was as if all of her unexpressed longings, simmering deep below the surface for so long, were coming to a rolling boil right here. She placed her hands behind the back of the woman’s knees, pulling her hips to the edge of the bed.

Her mouth moved with hunger, devouring the woman slowly then quickly, alternating paces as her nervous system shot fireworks throughout her body. Mercy moaned low, breathing heavily as she watched Violet’s head move. Violet was drunk with lust, hearing, feeling, tasting Mercy with such intensity she thought she might pass out. The woman’s fingers were twisted into her hair, ever so slightly influencing the pace at which Violet worked. The two locked eyes, Violet keeping her gaze steady, both boring holes into the other’s soul as she worked Mercy over with her mouth.

It wasn’t long before Mercy came, back arching across the canvas beneath her as she moved in jagged waves. Violet was delirious, feeling Mercy fall apart for her like this. 

As her breathing regulated, Mercy pulled herself up to a seat. “Come here,” she commanded in a low voice, using a finger to lift Violet’s slick chin. They both moved to their feet in tandem. Mercy gripped Violet by the biceps, pivoting and deftly bringing the woman onto her back on the cot. She climbed between her knees, running a hand up the inside of Violet’s right thigh before teasing the tip of her middle finger across the strip of fabric between her legs.

Mercy grinned that sexy, lopsided grin. “Wow, you really do know what you want.” She didn’t break eye contact as that same finger looped beneath the soaked material, exposing Violet to the cool air of the room. Her hand moved smoothly, teasing the backs of her fingers across Violet’s swollen flesh once, twice, three times, slowly circling the area Violet so desperately wanted her to touch. She ground her hips hoping to invite the contact, but Mercy expertly kept a maddeningly steady contact that refused to cross the line. 

In one smooth movement, Mercy tugged at the crotch of Violet’s panties, quickly removing and discarding of the garment on the cot behind her. She brought her mouth down, giving Violet a taste of what she’d just wrought. As soon as Mercy’s tongue touched her skin, she gasped sharply, as if taking her first-ever breath. Everything lit up, senses heightened across every cell in her body. The still, cool air of the underground bunker was a welcome contrast to the beads of sweat that had begun to collect on her breastbone, behind her knees. Her muscles felt like they had been hooked up to a million tiny electrodes, currents of pleasure coursing through her as Mercy brought her right to the edge and pushed her over too many times for her to count.

Just as Violet thought she couldn’t bear any more, she found herself pulling Mercy on top of her, the woman’s right leg winding over top of her left hip, bringing them into incredibly wet direct contact. They moved to the beat of a soundless drum only they could hear, smooth waves rolling over them both as they gripped tightly to one another’s damp skin. Time stood still as they reached a peak together, cresting and falling in unison. Violet fell back, Mercy crumpling over top of her.

They laid there for what seemed like hours, catching their breaths and feeling one another’s heartbeats. As Violet came back to earth, she saw that Mercy was looking into her eyes, an unreadable expression on her face. 

“That was…” Mercy started.

“Fucking amazing?” Violet finished. Mercy’s unreadable expression transformed into a devilish smile.

“Yeah, it sure was,” She placed a soft hand on Violet’s jaw, “but we should get you back above surface.”

Violet’s heart sank slightly, the sexy haze fading further into the background as she recalled she had work in the morning. In a few short hours, probably. For a thinly-veiled totalitarian regime. One that somehow had something to do with those ant-like terrors she’d seen. That first sighting seemed like so long ago, but in truth it had only been about a week.

The two untangled unhurriedly, getting dressed in a silence that was anything but awkward. They made their way quietly to the hole in the concrete where they’d first encountered one another. A stark, cool moonlight lit up the floor beneath. 

“Give me a day to get the details sorted out with RJ,” Mercy whispered to Violet, “while you rest up. Meet me back here in two nights’ time.” The dim light cast strong shadows on her angular face, giving her the chiseled appearance of a movie hero, her hair obscuring half of her from visibility.

“Okay,” Violet whispered in response. She reached for Mercy’s face, thumb and forefinger stopping an inch from her lips, pausing, then falling to her side.

The corner of Mercy’s mouth twitched up as she interlaced her fingers, creating a cradle for Violet to use as a step. Violet complied, swinging her bodyweight up to the surface in a much more fluid motion than she’d done the first few times. 

She turned back to get one last glimpse at the woman who had just shattered her world. But Mercy was, predictably, gone.

3 thoughts on “Attack of the Corporate Overlords: Chapter 9

  1. Faris

    I’m a little bit late, but I’m glad that I’ve finally caught up with all the chapters. What a pleasure it has been savoring your talent in writing with a cup of coffee over many morning. You have an incredible sense of imagination, and I could feel the details described in your writings, as if I was watching a well directed episodes of web series. I’m confident that you make a great screenwriter, especially for queer films that celebrate diversity.

    1. Jodie B Post author

      Oh wow, thanks for the highest of praise, Faris! It’s so great to hear how my reading is digested by different people, and you’ve conjured up quite the vision with the whole “well-directed web series” scenario. Maybe screenplay writing is in my future… only time will tell.

  2. Pingback: Queer Sci-Fi Novel: Attack of the Corporate Overlords - Jodie Baer

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