Category: Sci-Fi

Attack of the Corporate Overlords: Chapter 10

A queer sci-fi story set in near-future Toronto, when corporations have gained control of the people. Read previous chapters Violet slept deeper than she had in years, waking up refreshed in spite of the scant four hours of rest. Work plodded by at an even pace as her mind flipped between dreamily replaying the events […]

Attack of the Corporate Overlords: Chapter 9

A queer sci-fi story set in near-future Toronto, when corporations have gained control of the people. Read previous chapters here DISCLAIMER: This chapter is NSFW and meant for audiences 18 and over They were back in the armory after an uneventful return journey. Violet stood behind the concrete partition removing her uniform. The fabric hit […]

Attack of the Corporate Overlords: Chapter 8

A queer sci-fi story set in near-future Toronto, when corporations have gained control of the people. Read previous chapters here Violet’s feet hit the dust-covered concrete with a muted thud, marking her third foray into the Defiance headquarters. RJ kept an even four paces ahead as the duo made their way through the abandoned space, […]

Attack of the Corporate Overlords: Chapter 7

A queer sci-fi story set in near-future Toronto, when corporations have gained control of the people. Read previous chapters here Violet’s feet hit the dust-covered concrete with a muted thud, The sun was just beginning to cross the horizon as Violet made her way through the plant’s sterile lobby, trading the natural blaze of light […]

Attack of the Corporate Overlords: Chapter 6

A queer sci-fi story set in near-future Toronto, when corporations have gained control of the people. Read previous chapters here Violet’s feet hit the dust-covered concrete with a muted “Yes,” Violet breathed, leaning closer to the other woman. She reached a hand up to touch her face, when suddenly Mercy’s skin began to bubble and […]

Attack of the Corporate Overlords: Chapter 5

A queer sci-fi story set in near-future Toronto, when corporations have gained control of the people. Read previous chapters here Her senses were heightened, cueing in to the rhythmic beat of the workers’ footsteps as they routinely made their ways to their respective workstations. One by one, lines peeled off from the crowd, beelining to […]

Attack of the Corporate Overlords: Chapter 3

A queer sci-fi story set in near-future Toronto, when corporations have gained control of the people. Read previous chapters here “Hey mama,” she called softly, placing a hand on her mother’s shoulder. It was late and predictably, her mother was asleep. Violet dropped the contented expression from her face, grateful that she wouldn’t have to […]

Attack of the Corporate Overlords: Chapter 2

A queer sci-fi story set in near-future Toronto, when corporations have gained control of the people. Read previous chapter here As the dust began to settle, Violet took in her surroundings. It seemed she had tripped into a fracture in what had once been a restaurant patio. Just as she started to inventory her body’s […]

Cretaceous OG: A Cannabis Short Story

“Here, check this out.” You lean forward with more effort than should be needed, fighting against the plushness of the overstuffed couch to reach the mason jar extended your way. You stick your nose into the opening, inhaling deeply and filling your senses with the sticky, earthy, skunky aroma. The buds are tight and covered […]