Enhancing Self-Service: Building a SaaS Help Center

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Time to read: 4 minutes

Client: Loopio

Industry: Software as a Service (SaaS)

Collaborators: Product, Engineering, Marketing, Support

Tools: Google Docs, Zendesk

Impact by the numbers


reduction in overall ticket volume


reduction in ticket resolution time

The Problem

Renowned for best-in-class user support, SaaS startup Loopio is known for its customer-centric approach to providing platform help.

As Loopio grew, so too did the Support team’s ticket volume. They needed a scalable way to solve common customer asks, freeing Support agents up to focus on more challenging problems.

The Process

To ensure that all customers received timely and useful solutions, I was asked to spearhead the creation of a self-serve Help Center.

Align strategy with go-to-market teams – I began the project by meeting with Loopio’s Marketing and Software Development teams. This allowed me to get a firm handle on Loopio’s branding requirements and software development timelines, to ensure the Help Center remained fresh and brand-aligned as it grew.

Define Help Center information architecture – Then, I worked with the knowledgeable Support team to define a clear content framework for the Help Center sections and article formats.

Set up Zendesk – With the content architecture defined, I got to work defining the Help Center sections and homepage formatting in Zendesk.

Interview article subject matter experts – Using my deep knowledge of the Loopio platform, I defined a list of proposed articles to fit into each section of the Help Center.

Write the content – With a long list of articles in hand, I began by writing the most complex articles. Once these sample articles were validated by their Product Managers, I divvied up the remaining articles among the Support team, kicking off a new, collaborative approach to Help Center maintenance.

Publish articles in Zendesk – I migrated a sampling of updated article content into Zendesk, recording process videos to demonstrate to the Support team how to navigate Zendesk’s complex backend.

Launch the Help Center at Loopio’s customer conference – Finally, the Help Center was ready to launch 🎊 To ensure maximum impact, we set up a booth at Loopio’s customer conference, allowing us to provide customers with live demos of the refreshed Help Center experience.

The Product

✔️ User-friendly, Loopio-branded Zendesk Help Center

✔️ Scalable Help Center governance process documentation

✔️ Net-new getting started and onboarding articles