A Taurus Black Moon Tarot Spread: Self-Discovery Saturday

It’s Self-Discovery Saturday and today we’re exploring a lunar activity: the Taurus Black Moon! This moon is happening today, April 30, 2022, and it’s considered significant for a few reasons. On top of it being a new moon, it’s the first solar eclipse of the year – and as the second new moon this month, can be referred to as a “Black Moon”. With the moon directly between the earth and the sun, it won’t literally be black but rather invisible in the night sky.

What’s Special About the Taurus Black Moon?

While astronomy acknowledges one side of the Taurus Black Moon’s vibe, there’s another cosmic aspect of it that melds really well with self-care. A spiritual take on this new moon provides many things to reflect on, alongside practices that can help to ground. This angle discusses energies, the potential possibilities that are associated with each of the new moon and Taurus season. Self-discovery philosophy offers a reminder: Even if you don’t label yourself as “spiritual,” there can be value in using these concepts as thought prompts.

New Moon (and Black Moon) Energy

Spiritual tradition views the new moon as power in setting intentions and thinking about the stuff you want to see in your life. New moon energy suggests new opportunities and clean slates, along with increased self-awareness and intuition. It’s got a happy, creative feel to it, and a Black Moon only magnifies these qualities. 

Taurus Season Energy

Taurus is associated with earth, both metaphorically and literally. Energetically, Taurus season (April 19 – May 20) is a time of groundedness and strength but also stubbornness. It asks for structure and dependability to drive accomplishment, balanced with time for play and rest.  It’s a time of celebrating beauty and the things that delight. With spring in the air, it’s a perfect opportunity to notice the physical world around you and enjoy what makes you human.

While self-discovery is a useful and important practice at any time, the Taurus Black Moon is a perfect time to tap in and take care. Consider this moon for its qualities and use this to inspire the way you care for yourself and work towards your goals. How can you infuse that sweet Taurus Black Moon energy into your life?

Taurus Black Moon Ritual

Rituals are sets of observances and practices that mark a significant event. They can help to immerse in experience, making it easier to be present. Rituals can be elaborate or simple – there are a number of creatives out there (for example, @thethreadsoffate and @seedsofshakti) who have done beautiful writeups on their Taurus rituals. 

Today, I’m sharing a simple practice that’s all about creating something that works for you. Rituals are personal, so pick and choose what’s useful and add in anything that you see fit.

Taurus Black Moon Practices

  • Sitting down and just being for a few minutes: Even if this is literally 60 seconds, give yourself time to ground down and feel things without distraction. This is a powerful piece of tuning in to your intuition and being in balance. It may also help to ease any stubbornness, as pausing creates room for you to let go of things that aren’t working for you any more.
  • Going for a walk in nature and noticing all the beautiful new growth: Noticing these things can help bring you back to earth, allowing you to better appreciate the world around you and recognize all that you have.This can be done even if you’re a city-dweller – I live in the heart of the concrete jungle and on my walks this week I’ve seen so many new tulips, buds on trees, patches of grass growth, and birds singing and playing. It’s pretty and brings a smile to my face, and it’s worth making time for.
  • Stretching and deep breathing:  Focus on feeling the connection between your body and the ground beneath you, and between your breath and the air around you. Listen to your body and notice what’s calling your attention – common areas include the neck, hips, and hands. Move in a way that feels good for you, and see if you can sync your breath with your movement. Remember that slowing down is just as important as going fast. If you have access to fresh, clean air (for example in a park, on a balcony, or in a backyard), try taking this practice outside.
  • If you’re feeling energetic, taking care of a goal or commitment: Making progress can make you feel accomplished and capable, whether that’s helping someone you care for, taking a step towards a personal objective, or something else. This is a celebration of your dependability and the value of structure in pursuing your desires. It’s important that you only do this if you have the energy – Taurus is super earthy and grounded, so you may need more rest than usual. If you’re able to catch a wave of energy, ride it and really feel that sense of success.
  • Making time for active reflection: This can take the form of journaling, a shared conversation, a walking meditation, doing a tarot reading with the spread below, or anything else that suits you. Use the thought prompts from above – new opportunities, increased self-awareness, groundedness, beauty – to guide your thought path.  A simple “How does ______ show up in my life?” can reveal a lot. 

Taurus Black Moon Tarot Spread

Grab a tarot deck. Set up your space, then close your eyes and take a few grounding breaths. As you shuffle your cards, think about the Taurus Black Moon and what it represents for you.

{As always, if you aren’t into tarot or don’t have access to a deck, these make for wonderful journal prompts.}

Then, lay out the following four cards:

  1. How can I tune in to my intuition?
  2. What does the beauty of the natural world have to teach me?
  3. What patterns have I been stubbornly holding on to that I need to let go?
  4. How can I practice finding joy in the growth opportunities that will arise over the next month?
A deep purple galaxy background with the heading “Taurus Black Moon Tarot Spread”. Below are four rectangular tarot card placeholders numbered 1 through 4. Below the cards are the four card descriptions: “1  - How can I tune in to my intuition? 2 - What does the beauty of the natural world have to teach me? 3 - What patterns have I been stubbornly holding on to that I need to let go? 4 - How can I practice finding joy in the growth opportunities that will arise over the next month?”. In the lower right-hand corner is the artist’s handle, @bringlighttoshadow

Taurus Black Moon Tarot Reading {Video}


I hope you find joy and power in your own groundedness. Happy Saturday, and happy Taurus Black Moon!

— Jodie

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