Brand-Aligned Storytelling: Creating Agency Web Copy

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Time to read: 2 minutes

Client: Devolution Productions

Industry: Marketing

Collaborator: Creative Director

Tools: Google Docs

The Problem

Devolution Productions is an award-winning global production firm specializing in creative video campaigns. With a focus on bringing cinematography to marketing, Devolution needed a website that reflected its unique style.

Devolution needed a website content refresh, so they could focus on attracting the right clients with the right goals.

The Process

Interview the Creative Director – As a small independent company, brand alignment is important to Devolution. To get a handle on what that meant to the company, I began by meeting with the Creative Director and gathering his thoughts on what made Devolution unique.

Define customer personas – To ensure a clear focus on the reader’s website experience, I defined clear Devolution customer personas and aligned with the company on these personas.

Research the creative marketing landscape – Once I had a solid handle on the company’s identity, I looked to several existing creative marketing company websites to gather insights into what made for successful branded copy.

Draft new website content – Armed with research, personas, keywords, and more, I got to work with drafting the new website copy.

Align with Devolution – Once I’d polished the website copy, I hosted a call with Devolution’s Creative Director. I presented my proposed new content, gathering feedback for later integration. After one final asynchronous alignment touchpoint, Devolution was ready to publish its new content.

The Product

✔️ Refreshed web copy reflecting a unified brand

✔️ Updated “Home,” “About,” and “Process” content

✔️ Rewritten brand slogan