A Summer Solstice Reading: Tarot Tuesday

Happy Summer Solstice, everyone! Today marks the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing with it more hours of warmth and sunshine and more time to enjoy the outdoors, and we’re celebrating with a summer solstice tarot reading.

While most of us want to make the most of the fleeting warmth of summer (thanks, Canada), summer requires a balanced approach. The summer sun is all vital life force and illumination, sure – but its peak hours are defined by a heat and humidity that can reach stifling levels. In other words, while this sunny season calls for play and enjoyment, it also necessitates slowness and ease during the hottest periods. 

Astrology enthusiasts may also recognize June 21 as the start of Cancer season, the fourth sign of the zodiac and the first water sign of the year. Through this lens, we can view the next month as a sentimental, emotional period. Cancer asks us to root down and tap in to our intuition as well as our home (both in a literal sense, as well as figuratively – “making a home” in our close relationships and within ourselves). 

Bringing together the sunny summer vibes and the moody water essence of Cancer, we get a whole picture view of the season we’re headed into. Today’s tarot spread is an initiation, stepping into the second half of the year with intentionality that allows us to feel the full summer fantasy. Whether you’re watching people play outside from the comfort of the air conditioned indoors or out strolling in the sunshine, summer is a time for enjoyment in all of its forms. Let’s dive in. 

Summer Solstice: A Tarot Spread

A tarot spread reference is overlaid over a faded image of the shoreline of a sandy beach, with golden sand on the right and clear blue-green water on the left. A heading reads “Summer Solstice: A Tarot Spread” with four card placeholders, numbered 1 through 4, below. Beneath the placeholders are the following card definitions: “1- How can I celebrate the vibrant life force of summer? 2 - How can I make the most of the longer days? 3 - How can I root down into a sense of home? 4 - Where should I make more time to chill?” The artist’s handle, @bringlighttoshadow, is in the lower right-hand corner of the image.
  1. How can I celebrate the vibrant life force of summer?
  2. How can I make the most of the longer days?
  3. How can I root down into a sense of home?
  4. Where should I make more time to chill?

A Tarot Reading


Happy Summer Solstice!



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